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5 Perfect Tank Mates for Your Electric Blue Acara

If you have an Electric Blue Acara or Andinoacara pulcher in your tank, you might wonder what other fish can match its energy and stunning look. As an animal lover and fish keeper, I have the answer! From my experience, finding the perfect-sized companions (not too big, not too small) is one of the most important things. For more info, check out these 5 Electric Blue Event tank mates.

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Discus is the best choice for a quiet mate for your Electric Blue Acara. These beautiful fish come from the same region and have similar water temperature requirements, so they are naturally compatible pairs. Just make sure the tank size is 50-75 gallons for a small group.

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Similar to Discus, Severum Cichlids prefer the same water conditions. Hence, keeping them with your Electric Blue Event will be a win-win solution! I have a few Severum Cichlids in my aquarium and love to see their active behavior. They make my tank even more alive.

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If you're thinking about a blue acara tank mate, Oscar can join your tank gang. It's just that you need a fairly large tank size since Oscar can grow up to a foot long. Anyway, Oscar and Electric Blue Event are both from the Amazon River basin.

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Regarding tankmates for Electric Blue Acara, we can't skip Angelfish. These fish have the same vibrant coloration as your Electric Blue Acara. They usually occupy the higher tank levels, while your Electric Blue Acara will hang out in the middle and lower zones.

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These guys are super chill and get along well with almost all tame fish. The Bristlenose Pleco also thrives in water conditions like your Electric Blue Event. Set up at least a tank size of 20 gallons and a temperature of 72-82°F. These two species can coexist happily without stepping on each other's toes.

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